Sunday, January 22, 2012


It’s another day of my life. A series of mechanical motions seem to be in good order of chronology, minus the spruce. I know what’s going to happen, how it is going to happen, when it is going to happen? I was a guy was scared of holding a steady job cause I was scared the monotony would get to me. Look where I am today? The whole damn nine yards seem stretched as a paradigm!

And then I watched a movie called ‘Groundhog Day’. The movie follows a character played by Bill Murray who gets stuck in Groundhog Day, the very day he has been a part of for the past six years. Except, he is actually stuck in this one indefinitely! After recovering from the novelty of the initial shock with the similarity of its parallelism to my existence; it raised a question in my mind, what if there is no tomorrow? What if actions are not weighed by consequences? Seemed like all hell breaking loose right? At the other end of the spectrum, how about getting off this negative shadow to bring about positive light?

I guess it does amount to us being worried about how it is than how it could be? It is not about life finding you new experiences; it is about you finding new experiences in life. I talk to the same people, takes the same road to office and the same politics also happen in office! How am I going to affect the change? It is an initiative I must risk, in relay of the character played by Bill Murray

As in Groundhog Day, our life too has a primordial monotony underlined to it. Every life might not have an exciting adventure set off to it. But how can we harbor this unpleasant monotony of being? It could definitely be countered with attitude for one. One of the greatest words IT has contributed to humanities is ‘INTERFACE’, which in every sense of the word means an interaction with a tougher and subservient medium. The perspective that has to be understood that even though the majority of our lives are going to be hinged on the monotony of being, the small things are the ones that are going to have a Cascadian effect on the finality of life. As Pritchett was once quoted saying ‘ The secret of happiness is to find a co-genial monotony”. WE BETTER LISTEN TO THE SONG THAN THE GODDAMN GUITAR ONLY!

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