Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Un-Sociable networks

Human beings have a tendency to advertise themselves, to be seen, heard etc. The rise of social networks only cements this fact. In 6 years these sites have taken centre stage in the lives of millions of teenagers. I am often asked if i am on any one of these sites. I doubt if i'll ever be. I'm sure the advantages of being on them is plentiful. But am i missing out on something by not being on these sites? I don't think so. My cousin says facebook is for people who can't make friends in real life. Ironically the man has a facebook account. When i asked him about the mismatch between walk and talk, he said he did it to look up on people. A stalker. I did find it interesting enough and using my sister's id i checked up on a lot of people thereon. Each profile seemed to reflect who the person wanted to be than who the person was. Some of them were plain pretentious. I know 'who am i to pass judgement on people', right. But it's my fuckin blog. I am not going to write about the obvious threat of paedophiles, sex stalkers, recently in india even kidnappers. They way i see it people start living two lives one virtual and one real. Nothing wrong with that. The trouble is when they find it easier to live the virtual life. There are kids who are as young as 8 on facebook. I dont know if they have an active social life. Chances are they do. But they might take solace in the virtual world than deal with the tougher reality. I actually came across lot of instances where people would not say a face to face hello but would send friend requests on social networking sites. There is something really wierd about that. They probably couldn't face rejection in reality so they go the virtual way. I truly believe that these social sites will have a negative effect on building social relationships and inter-personal relationships.

Another ill effect would be to cocoon yourself into a groupthink. By groupthink i mean there are so many groups in face book, orkut etc. When you are part of such groups you vision, creativity is narrowed. There exists prejudice in belonging to such groups, you tend to be peer influenced and subscribe to dogma. It is nice to find someone else who listen to Belle & Sebastian on these sites. But i find it also nice to enjoy something by meself also & discover stuff on my own.

I recently came across a site where you can commit virtual suicide by 'killing' yourself on this site. This stuck me as quite stupid. Is it necessary i make a drama of a simple act of deleting my profile. It seems like the internet has succeded in making people feel like celebrities by indulging in celebrity like behaviour.

They call it social networking but oddly it has made people more doleful and unsociable to their immediate environment.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Does A Sinner Break Roots From Being Sinned?

Of late i seem to have come to a realization about this trait of mine i.e taking advantage of people who are 'close' to me. It did come under scrutiny previously from my friends, but i did not bother me then. It seemed to be lurking in my sub-conscious and the trigger effect happened one night drinking tequilla and having chocolates from this girl i was least bit interested in. I did not want to be there but i was. Lo and behold i was in convalescence mode. I kept wondering what shaped this intrinsic attribute. Surely i wasnt born like this, was i?

As i kid growing up in Coorg i was in a hostel at a real young age, i did not know what to make of the place as i was nearly 4 yrs back then and having no experience of such a gamut of social interactions. I was real naive and i thought the best way to survive was by adopting a people pleasing behavior. And boy was i wrong ,i was fleeced of my chocolates, my food etc. My end of the bargain was never met. Then there was this instance in school where i was framed for something i had not done. Then there was this other instance(s) where this boy from my neighborhood would make me steal biscuits from my own home.YEAH!HELL YEAH! I HAD BEEN USED!

This was intrinsic, could i say a lot of other people developed characteristics the same way as i?? Sure as hell yes, aint it? Everyone's personality is shaped by their life incidents. As to how much , it really can't be measured. In nature you see how some plants have tap roots and some others have fibrous roots. Pulling out a tap rooted plant is very difficult.They grow really deep into the soil making it nearly impossible to pull them out.In a garden we often see how dandelions grow right back up after we uproot them. It is because the tap-root would still be embedded in the ground. In contrast fibrous roots are easily dealt with as any gardener would tell you. I talk about this on a thought about how the bad experiences of our life are like the tap roots, they shape our personality. They are the one's that deeply influence our character. A lot of our learning happens from the worst years of our life. I am not denying the part played by those happy days, but i wouldn't say it made me what i am today. Those hard times that i have gone through in life are what stands out for me in my personality. It necessarily does not have a positive course but the influence would definitely be much more profound.